Risks That Can Occur If Giving Birth by Caesar
Many pregnant women choose to have a cesarean section so they do not feel labor pain or to choose a "beautiful date". But before pregnant women decide to give birth by cesarean section, let's first know what the risks are. Every surgery must have risks, including caesarean section. The choice of giving birth with this method will generally be recommended if there are certain conditions that can threaten pregnant women or fetuses. The Risks That Lurk Mother Who Gives Birth to Caesar Caesarean delivery will indeed make pregnant women free from the pain experienced during childbirth. However, this procedure is not without risk. The following are some of the risks or complications of caesarean delivery: 1. Infection One of the risks of caesarean delivery is infection of the surgical wound. Conditions that can increase the risk of infection are lack of cleanliness in the area of the wound, or surgical wound care that is not done properly. Generally infections in ces...